Thursday 23 June 2022

The luxurious beauty and benefits of moonstone gemstone

Gemstones are referred to as precious or semi-precious stones and are made of quartz, which makes them largely inorganic. In the jewelry industry and among collectors, gemstones can be divided into 3 hardnesses: soft (1.5 to 2 on Mohs hardness scale), hard (7 to 10) and extremely hard (10).

The gemstone that we will include in this blog is moonstone, one of the major gemstones used in jewelry. 

Moonstone gemstone represents a good aspect of the Moon's energy. This power can nourish and give passion to those who wear it. It is said that it happens because Moonstone has been nurtured by the same Moon energy which powers the tides of the ocean.

It is a delicate stone that can make you dream about things yet to come, and is a great communicator for your body and soul. It is known for its ability to strengthen your intuition and in this way, it has been recognized by people since ancient times. It illustrates its own unique alchemy that brings wishes and dreams into reality by providing the right energy.

Moonstone is a member of the feldspar family. This means that its composition is primarily made up of aluminum, silicon and oxygen minerals. The stone has a hardness of 6.5 on the Mohs scale which is perfect for everyday wear. The gem also has specific gravity of 2.7 making this stone durable and tough but still are able to withstand gentle use during cleaning or wearing.

Benefits of moonstone gemstone 

Moonstone gemstones were used in ancient times worn by warriors and priests as weapons to fight evil forces. Moonstone is a popular gemstone that is powerful and potent enough to tame the most negative of energies into positive ones. It provides great psychic powers that help in providing effective solutions to all problems faced in life. It is the gemstone most effective when it comes to healing a broken heart and for cleansing the energy around.

The following are the major benefits of moonstone gemstone:

1. The travelers stone

Moonstone gemstones were used in ancient times worn by warriors and priests as weapons to fight evil forces. Moonstone is a popular gemstone that is powerful and potent enough to tame the most negative of energies into positive ones. It provides great psychic powers that help in providing effective solutions to all problems faced in life. It is the gemstone most effective when it comes to healing a broken heart and for cleansing the energy around.

2. Emotional healer

Moonstone is a crystal of illusion, and is both a magical talisman and a spiritual guide. It forms in caves which are symbolic of the subconscious mind and promotes contact with angels. The Moonstone is commonly used for calming fears and phobias and inspires confidence. A Moonstone has a natural cleansing effect on a person's aura, and encourages feelings of power and natural stability.

3. Peace enhancer

Natural Moonstone helps to ease out the aggressive side of the wearer. It balances out all the energies and brings peace and stability for those who are aggressive and insensitive. It is said to bring fortunes along and helps adapt the wearer to transformations.

4. Feminine gemstone

The moonstone is the gemstone of the month of October, a feminine stone from the chalcedonic variety. It is a stone that carries with it some of the most fascinating properties and meanings. Being cut by lapidarists throughout millennia and still being preferred for its soft glow, its charming presence and magical energies.

5. Healing gemstone

Moonstone is an excellent stone for those who have to heal their physical pains or cure diseases in their lifetime. People should also wear moonstone jewelry if they want to improve their emotional stability and remain stress-free throughout their life. It brings a great sense of peace, love, and calmness for the wearer. One can stay focused even in tough situations and can get rid of his bitterness and sorrows by meditating on the soothing effects of Moonstone.

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